xii. | life hacks

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xii. | life hacks

I cannot stress how important this chapter is, so everyone listen up.

Okay, so people actually change the character's age because it's convinent for the plot? How about you make your OC older, instead of having Daryl being twenty-fucking-three. If you're so uncomfortable with large age gaps, why are you writing a Daryl fic? In fact, why are you romanticising him? You're a fucking hypocrite holy shit.

Similarly, Carl is twelve, in like, season 1. I'm pretty sure he's fourteen/fifteen in season six. Y'all know what I think? Why are you taking a boy that looks so long, saying he's older, and then pairing him with a sugar mom. Nuh, that's nasty.

Another thing is how people have solar panel phones unironically.

I'm not even sure if solar panel phones are a thing now, in 2017, so how the fuck would they be a thing back then, and in the middle of an apocalypse. And why would you need a phone when you have walkie talkies. To update twitter? To watch porn? Tell me.

Tiffany needs to sit down and listen, because texting Jennifer isn't going to solve anything. I mean, com'n, guys. It's a Fanfiction, not, 'hey how badly can you rewrite the walking dead'


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