xxxi. | relationships

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xxxi. | relationships

Okay, so this is going to mainly focus on how quickly your OCs have sex with the characters in the Walking Dead. It's not a matter of meeting them and then bending them over a table; you need to make your characters show their feelings.

Am I the only one who hates when Tiffany has sex with Carl at chapter three? Can we just re-evaluate the situation, because it's so unrealistic.

I find it hard to imagine Carl having sex full stop

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I find it hard to imagine Carl having sex full stop. He's 15. Carl wouldn't even know how to have sex, and he's so emotionally vulnerable that sex wouldn't really be on his mind. Plus, he was almost raped. If we look at a woman who was nearly raped, she'd be nervous around guys. So why don't we hold the same standard for men who are almost raped. Carl would be sexually nervous.

And Daryl is socially awkward, who also suffered abuse. Making them have sex as soon as they meet is just really weird. Maybe with Rick and Glenn, things might move a bit faster. Still, Rick does love Lori deep down. He wouldn't move on so quickly.

When writing relationships, take a step back from the relationship and see whether it's realistic.

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