cix. | gosh darn psychos

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cix. | gosh darn psychos

Hey, um, could you maybe not fuck up every character. Yeah, thanks.

Okay so when Lizzie wants to kill the OC. Now that pisses me off. Because yes, Lizzie is literally mentally unstable and there's something very wrong with her, but why would she want to be near Tiffany's basic hoe ass?

It makes no sense, y'all.

Don't 👏🏻 write 👏🏻 fanfics 👏🏻 unless 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 know 👏🏻 what 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 do

It's not that hard. Oh, and when Ron shoots Tiffany for choosing Carl. Bitch, who the fuck wouldn't choose Carl you Kentucky fried fuck. Go cry in the corner, beanie wearing pussy.

*prolonged inhale*

Lmao I'm listening to 'Rodger Rabbit' by Sleeping with Sirens and it's really not getting me in the rant pumped mood. Struggles.

But, yeah, Lizzie and Ron wouldn't kill your OC. As much as they'd like to, and as much as everybody else would like to, it wouldn't happen. So, try again, sweetie.

Ratchet hoe.

~ Aimee xx

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