twd text messages

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twd text messages

Negan created a group chat

Negan: well well well little piggies

Negan: rick you left me on the seen, don't make me have to shove Lucille up your cowboy Havin' ass

Negan: Daryl you left some condoms in the cell you were kept in btw I ain't gunna ask but do you want them back???? They might be used LOL

Gabriel: negan I'm gonna have to ask you to leave

Negan: ain't you that creepy boi with the smile

Gabriel: the only 'boi' I know is the boi who died for our sins 🙃

Negan: boI YOU WILD

Rick: negan please just go

Dwight: yeah, no one likes you man

Negan: ??? You liked me when I gave you that blowjob. Not my fault you drive the fag bus and cherry don't satisfy yo needs anymore

Rick: you drive a fag bus if you sucked dwight off??

Negan: Rick I'll suck you off

Daryl: that's my job

Negan: weLLL if it isn't my stray puss

Michonne: your what

Negan: my stray puss puss my feral puss here puss puss

Tiffany: you can sniff my puss

Negan: it's a no from me sweetie

Rosita: negan be roasting Tiffany lmao you should probably start running

Negan: I'm sorry was I talking to you

Rosita: everyone bullies me wtf

Sasha: awh Rosita I like you

Negan: ha that's hella gay amirite

Negan changed Sasha's name to 'gay'

Negan changed Rosita's name to 'spicy gay"

Spicy gay: okay that's racist

Negan: tell that to Lucille

Gabriel: what in god's good book do you think you're doing harassing us

Negan: passing the time before fat joey's funeral

Carl: I put the fun in funeral

Carl: dad I'm depressed

Rick: haha kids are so annoying LOL

Negan: ur so right, Rick! Say hi to Michonne and the kids for me!

Daryl: I just made a lovely quiche with lemon! It's not too spicy, mind!

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