xxvi. | all aboard the depression bus

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xxvi. | all aboard the depression bus

So mental illnesses are like a trend for fanfiction. I'm telling you now, they're not fun. However, if you do want your character to have a mental illness, then here's some advice so you can get it right and not fuck it up like most people.

Below are a few of the most common mental illnesses that I see being portrayed horribly.

- Tiredness
- Loosing weight
- Don't want to do anything
- Feelings of suicide/suicidal thoughts
- Headaches

- Feelings of worry
- Headaches
- Symptoms of paranoia
- Can't sleep
- Panic Attacks

- The need to do things a certain way
- Isolation
- Can be prone to panic attacks
- Disturbing thoughts, typically of death
- Sadness

- Hearing voices that aren't there
- Hallucinations
- In extreme cases, sufferers have gone insane
- Prone to panic attacks
- Prone to paranoia

- Very hyper
- Unable to focus
- Struggling to stay calm in bad situations
- Prone to panic attacks
- Prone to anger issues

The next two aren't mental illnesses, however are just as scary;

Panic attacks
- A feeling of extreme fear or worry
- Shaking
- Rapid breathing/ Hyperventilation
- Sweaty palms
- Often associated with anxiety

Self harm
- A way to relieve stress
- Cutting
- Scratching the skin
- Slapping yourself
- Often associated with depression

Can I just say, mental illnesses are very serious and won't be cured by meeting someone and falling in love. They are there for life.

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