twd text messages

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twd text messages

Carl created a group chat

Carl: so I was thinking, we should play ouija board sometime

Father Gabriel: oh no

Carl: I really want to speak to mom. I want to know the truth

Maggie: about what

Carl: how she felt about Shane

Daryl: the only thing she felt about Shane was his dick balls deep in her lmaoo

Rick: awh jeez

Daryl: boi, was Rick babashook

Rick: don't

Daryl: he was so shook, wasn't he,

Abraham: more shook then when Rosita found out I was fucking Sasha and not her

Rosita: ouch okay

Daryl: yo Abraham we don't have any nicknames for each other :3

Abraham: you can be my teddy weddy?

Abraham changed Daryl's name to 'Teddy Weddy'

Teddy Weddy: and you can be my Kitten

Teddy Weddy changed Abraham's name to 'Kitten'

Carl: so, back to Ouija board. Enid, how about you come over to my house and we can play?

Enid: yeah, I'll ask Glenn and Maggie

Carl: they're not your real parents

Enid: they said no

Carl: but they're not your real parents

Enid: they said no bye

Enid has left the group chat

Rick: pahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhha get rickedy rickedy rekt

Carl: have you been drinking?

Gregory: lmao I'm gon do it

Maggie: y'al'lave better not'be

Gregory: Negan and I are in love

Kitten: gayyyyy

Teddy Weddy: lmao have some self respect

Kitten: bro you're slaying

Teddy Weddy: thanks bro

Michonne: we need to move quickly. The saviours are getting ready to attack

Ezekiel: we will defend the castle, and the kingdom.

Kitten: yo r u kinky

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