lii. | shit book names

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lii. | shit book names 

So, my books are kinda basic. *laughing from the crowd*

My walking dead fanfic books actually have good names, I guess? I mean, they represent something, and they weren't thrown together at the last second.

'Memories' is named due to Marnie's memories of her family, etc.

'The Deceased' is named due to everyone dying or something, it's an apocalypse, obviously that's going to happen.

My point is that when you're coming up with a book name, don't make it shit. Think about what your book is about, and go from there. Also, I find that googling pretty words helps, or using lmao.

Shit examples of book name include, but aren't limited, too:

- Daryl is my daddy and I love Carl

- the Sheriff boy who stole my heart

- *insert any song lyric*

- DARULLLLLL!1!1!!11!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!

- Carl Grimes hot smut

- The walking dead cast as furries

you guys get the idea, lmao.

Like, if you're gonna write a book, then make the title relevant, you know? Don't make it something that scares readers away. You're meant to bring readers in, not mentally scare them.

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