hello, all

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Hello, everyone, long time no see!

So, as most of you know, I've been suffering with borderline personality disorder, and it's really affected me. I just got out of an emotionally abusive relationship with a horrible person, which is why the updates have been slow to nonexistent.

With that being said, my main focus at the moment is recovery. I'm in the middle of writing a book on my second account exquisitemadness which is about living with bpd, and how to overcome and deal with it. So, if anyone here would like to check it out, or knows anyone to has the disorder, then it would mean the world if you could spread the word.

I hope that I find time to update this book soon, and I never got to say it, but thank you so much for 200k views! I started this book three years ago, and whoa, time honestly does fly by so fast! Thank you for all your everlasting love and support, and I hope I can continue to write for such an amazing audience such as yourselves.

I love you all so much!

- Aimee xx

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