xi. | flawless flaws

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xi. | flawless flaws

This annoys me a lot. Well, everything annoys me but that's not the point.

I understand that people make their character's perfect because it appeals more to the readers, however how perfect is too perfect? Not going to lie, I fucking hate perfect characters. Where's the relatability?

Fair enough if your character has blonde hair and blue eyes. But their hair wouldn't be constantly long, wavy and soft. It would be matted, dirty, and bloody. Would it even be long, since most people would cut their hair so walkers can't grab it.

#theuglytruth (y'all remember that diary of a wimpy book lmao shit was lit)

It kinda bugs me because the character seems to never be bothered by anything. Does your body hair not annoy you? How come your lips are still plump as fxck? That botox must of worn off by now, fake Donald Duck bitch.

And another thing, why do all the characters still have brand new clothes? Victoria's secret underwear and Coco Chanel shoes don't just appear magically. They would be impractical and uncomfortable. Who wants lingerie up their ass whilst slam dunking a walker into tomorrow?

Wouldn't your long nails keep breaking? And what happened to greasy skin and body odour? Did the impending wrath of God make them disappear?


I low-key don't even know why people read this lmao.

~ Aimee x

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