cxi. | plot ideas

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cxi. | plot ideas

"Hey let's cover ourself in walker guts" says Tiffany
"Hey let's lower Glenn into the well" says tiffany
"Hey let's cut open Lori and save the baby" says tiff tiff
"Hey let's go and break into Woodbury to get Glenn and Maggie out" says tiff
"Hey let's kill the cannibals by luring them into the church and brutally killing them ruthlessly and possible scaring Carl and Father Gabriel for life" says T
"Hey let's-"

No. let's not.

Not every idea has to come from your OC. Especially if your OC is 13-16, or in the Carl Grimes Fanfiction category. Like, okay, they can have a good idea once in a while, but don't steal the way that the original character said it. Maybe have your OC mutter it sarcastically under their breath like;

"Oh, well, it's not like you're gonna cover yourself in walker guts and swagger down the street,"

That way it's funny, but always a good way to get your idea across. And it's just annoying because your OC isn't fucking rick grimes. Okay thank.

I get it that you want you OC to be a valid member of the group, but there's different levels of importantness, if that makes sense. You kinda have the Atlanta Five, which would be the leaders, or the people with the most screentime. For example, Aurora would be borderline this category, because she was the one who found Rick in hospital. And as the seasons go by, the level of importance/trust kinda deteriorates, if that makes any sense lmao.

Just don't be a prick

Comment more stuff, y'all

~ Aimee xx

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