liv. | characters

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liv. | characters

So a few people have messaged me asking for help with coming up with original characters, so I decided to write a chapter, because I'm so gosh darn nice

I think the easiest way to explain this to you guys is by using the three R's which I definetly didn't randomly come up with now *wink wonk*


Yeah, basically. If you want to create a good character, then she can't really be a fucking unicorn, can she?

Think about it this way, if you are writing about a character with depression, how likely will he/she survive? By all means, your character can have depression, but remember when Andrea was going to kill herself? Would anyone really stop your character?

Realistically, your character also wouldn't be a model. Regardless of fast metabolism, or whatever lame excuse you come up with, your character wouldn't have curves. With th lack of food, I can safely say she'd look a lot like someone with the body of an anorexic person. I AM NOT insulting anyone with anorexia, I'm simply stating a fact.


This ties in with the realistic element. Most readers want to be able to relate to a character, and as they're reading, be able to say, 'yeah fam I get you'. I don't mean write a boring Ned Flanders person, but just make it so people can understand.

My most well known OC, Marnie, has anxiety. The main reason is because a lot of people, you'd be surprised to know, suffer from an anxiety disorder. However, I also have anxiety, which is how I write it well. Don't feel the need to add in mental illnesses unless you're down to make it good.

So, your character can be pretty and all, but also don't make her the special snowflake. Of course, you can do what you want, I'm just saying you probably won't end up with views if your character was a freaking Victoria secret model before the apocalypse because how many people can safely say, 'ah yes, how reLATABLE'


And finally, the most important point. How tolerable is your character?

By this, I mean how lovable is your character? If she constantly moans or starts shit with the group, then chances are no one will want to read about her/him. Similarly, if she mops all the time and complains. Like, there's a difference between having depression and being a fucking cow.

And you know, if your character is just a general cringy piece of shit, then who the hell cares? Tiffany can throw herself off a cliff if she's so keen on throwing herself down Daryl's throat.

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