cxiii. | making gay characters straight

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cxiii. | making gay characters straight

Boy, do I see this a lot.

I know I'm gonna get people trying to defend the people who make gay characters straight by saying, 'boohoo ppl make straight characters gay no I want my privilege1!!!1!1!1!1!1!'

Okay Susan let me tell you something pretty fricking smart.

The main reason that people make straight people gay in fanfics is because the lack of gay people is so great. If TV and the media won't make gay characters, then we will, no biggy. But there's so many straight characters, like, why make a gay character (primarily Jesus and Aaron) straight.

You're taking away such a rarity. It's like when people white wash things. Com'n, let the LGBT community have this one thing. And I personally can't see Aaron, Eric, Jesus, and Tara as anything else but gay, in terms of sexualities.

Speaking of which, has anybody seen thE IGNORANT OLD FUCKS WHO ARE LITERALLY COMPLAINING ABOUT THE SMALL AMOUNT OF GAY PEOPLE ON THE WALKING DEAD. Their argument is literally 'they're shoving their gay down MY throat', or, "I'm not homophobic but this is statistically unrealistic."

Bitch a zombie fucking apolcypse is statistically unrealistic but I don't see ur crusty ass complaining.

Love you guys

~ Aimee x

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