lxxiv. | criticism or insults

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lxxiv. | criticism or insults

Recently I got a comment on my book, 'Memories', about someone complaining about Marnie meeting Carl in chapter ten. Apparently it was too long of a wait, i don't know. Thing is, it made me wonder whether it's an insult, or criticism.

The way they worded it was on the lines of, "she only now meets Carl in chapter 10? That's ridiculous!" And I'm thinking, 'shouldn't criticism be somewhat helpful?'

Giving people advice is one thing, but downright being an ass is another. Fair enough if you comment in the hopes of helping the author, but don't comment just to be mean. There's enough mean in the world without you adding to it.

I know I savagely roast the shit out of people, but in real life, I swear I'm not that bad. Most of the time I'm a hypocrite, yes, but I can admit that. A lot of people these days just assume they're doing nothing wrong and continue to make other people feel bad. Bottom line? Don't start on Tiffany.

Lmao it's funny cause I swear Tiffany has a fandom.

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