bitch, please

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bitch, please

I'm locked in trents basement becaszz I'm submission and he's domioncancd and I am a scared oh BEAN so I lie on the ground with no lust and secrets because Trent is S big ol' meanie weenie

"Wake up u fat slag" he says and kicks my ribs I cry but he slaps me and hoops my nose and now I'm anorexia and he hands me razors "im finna kill u and then rape u and then I kill ur self okkay"

I push him away but he does not do anything and then daryl leaps down from a building after eating Michonne whole WITH his snake jaw and he kicks Trent and Trent turns into the hulk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'nm but then Daryl is acting a wolverine and has metal claws lolsers x100000 I look around and rick doesn't have hair and is in a wheelchair he's professor x or as I call him daddy x

And Carl is aquaman because no one cares about him..
...... except me 😉😉😉

anyways they killeth Trent and then Carl uses his fish powers to talk to fish and he's irreverent so daryl hold me and takes me back to my house and smiles and he smiles some ire but he smiles and smiles however he smiles contray to he smiles ,maybe he smiles maybe he smiles


~ Aimee x

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