xl. | pets

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xl. | pets

Okay, so I'm kinda running out of things to talk about so I'm gonna start nitpicking things. I mean, I was nitpicking before but shut up.

So you know when those wild dogs appear and Sasha kills them? Because character development and shit. Yeah, surprise surprise, Tiffany can't sit down and shut the fuck up for five seconds, cause she decides no, the dogs shouldn't die. (slap Tiffany)

Lmao having dogs in an apocalypse is so useless. They're another mouth to feed, plus would probably bark at oncoming walkers. I like dogs and all, but come on.

I don't know, it just annoys me because all the pets that the OCs have are dogs or cats. Why can't they have a cow?

I mean, cows are pretty cool. You can ride them, milk them for milk, stroke their cute lil faces and train them to charge at people. You find cows everywhere, too, and they won't bark, and they eat grass. Pretty easy.

Or even a squirrel. Tame that lil critter and it'll be your best friend.

Dogs and cats are so overrated now. I just think cows and squirrels are better, ya know.

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