iv. | suicide

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iv. | suicide

This is such a sensitive topic, I can't stress this enough. Of course, there's plenty of reasons to be depressed (like, it's an apocalypse, duh), but where do you draw the line. I think you draw the line at cutting and self harm, because that's going a bit too far, especially if your sole purpose is to get attention from the love interest. 

I understand that PTSD is a very real thing, but can we all collectively drop the whole, "tragic past catches up with them" act.

If you were truly suicidal in that scenario, I promise that you would kill yourself in the first chance that you get. I'm not even being funny, you wouldn't waste your time cutting. The thing with cutting, is that it's for two reasons. 1) relief, or 2) needed attention, which is when cutting is the only way to get attention from people who fucking abuse you.

If you're with Rick's group, Tiffany's hoe ass isn't going to get abused. They'd protect her. And the relief bit? I mean, come on. I get it's hard, trust me, I can relate. How stupid does this scenario sound, though;

"What are you doing?" Carl asked, running over to me.
"I'm so sorry, Carl." I whimper, looking away. Carl comes over to me and pulls up my jumper, revealing my cuts - new and old.

To be honest, if I was Carl, I'd slap that bitch. Not because she's suicidal, but because she's clearly cutting for attention. Suicide isn't pretty. It would be easy to kill yourself in that sort of time, so just don't have this kind of thing. Depression is very upsetting and delicate.

Don't be a fucking peanut.

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