cxii. | mental health

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cxii. | mental health

Okay so let's return to one of the best topics to disucss *turns to camera and laughs* yeah, that's right folks. It's time to talk about mental health and why it's very inconvenient to write, unless you're actually good at writing and have a mature understanding of mental health.

Of course, I'm not one to talk about mental health and fanfics, but I'd say I have a pretty good understanding that mental illnesses aren't an accessory and actually have life changing affects other than crying and cutting.

Like I said, Marnie has an anxiety disorder, which isn't just worrying. It's so hard to explain, and you kinda need to have it to be able to write it.

Aurora is more difficult, because she has bipolar disorder. And currently, she's in a mania mood, but she's fading into her depression state. Thing is, you need to be devoted to your character. You can't say they have a mental illness and then not include the symptoms because it's incovient like OH POOR BABE YOUR CHARACTER ISNT BADDASS OH THE SHAME OH THE HUMANITY OH DEAR GOD WHY

*deep masculine cough*

Don't write mental health issues regarding OCs unless you're devoted, and have a deep understanding about them. It's not just cutting and suicide, you're not a tumblr blog.

Le sigh

~ Aimee x

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