137: POC

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I've nudged off this topic a few times but it deserves a rant on its own. And the thing is, this kind of topic isn't exclusive to 'the walking dead'. It's valid in every fandom.

The thing is, POC just aren't getting the recognition they need. I know people say that it's hard to write a POC character when they're white, but the point of writing it to broaden your style. My book, 'Nefarious', is all Latino characters, and in a few other books I'm trying to be more diverse with different ethnicities.

I mean, even if your faceclaim is a person of colour. It really doesn't affect the plot, does it? After all, the story is about the person, not their skin colour.

To be honest, most white people will take three steps outside and then panic because the air is too spicy, or they're outside their safe space.

Still struggling? You don't need to include stuff about their culture. Especially in an apocalypse, I don't think they'll care that much about their identity when there's walkers and Gregory's. Like, grow up. Plus, POC slay, and they're so cool ngl.

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~ Aimee x

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