xxxvi. | children

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xxxvi. | children

Side note; I fucking hate kids. I'm not even kidding. I'm nice to kids and all, but they really annoy me. They're snotty and annoying and I want to drop kick one over a fence. Anyways, onto this rant.

How can an eleven year old with blue hair survive in the apocalypse? You know the ones I'm talking about. The quirky 'lol I'm a unicorn' and 'HA minions memes!" ones.

It's just annoying because to survive something as drastic as a zombie apocalypse, you have to be mentally and physically fit. An eleven year old couldn't go for days on end without food whilst also running constantly. They also wouldn't be able to deal with the trauma and stress. And how can an eleven year old successfully stab a walker in the head and pull the knife out? Is she a children or Dwayne 'the Rock Johnson?

The other annoying thing is when the character joins the group and immediately becomes co-leader. No. like, firstly, your character is a child, who the fuck is going to let a child in control of life or death situations?

Sit. The. Fuck. Down.

Thank you.

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