xxxv. | magic

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xxxv. | magic

Why is it when Tiffany disappears, everyone drops what their doing to goes and look for her sorry ass? Boo hoo, when Beth was kidnapped, the only person that genuinely cared was Daryl. He made the effort to go and find her.

Side note, if Tiffany is so goddamn tough, how did she get kidnapped? All these authors preach about how their characters are tough cookies and don't take shit from nobody, and yet they somehow end up being taken to Woodbury to the Governor's secret sex Lab.

But anyway, back to the disappearing. Take Andrea, for example. After the farm was destroyed, she went missing and nobody went looking for her. They all assumed her to be dead. Why is your character any different?

Now with Sophia, that's different because she's younger. Also, Sophia was directly related to one of the main characters. And, Rick did kind of let Sophia down by leaving her on her own. It's not his fault or anthing, but he did partially cause her disappearance.

Basically, if your character is a lone wolf and goes missing, she/he has to find their way back and not rely on anyone. Daryl went missing in the forest for a few hours and pulled a fucking arrow from his stomach, what's your excuse?

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