x. | child abuse?

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x. | child abuse?

*cracks knuckles*

Why do people feel the need to make their character's background stories so depressing? To be honest, a lot of my characters have depressing backgrounds, but I write them correctly, okay. I don't do it for effect, I do it for character development. There's a difference.

My mother was an alcoholic. She drank, verbally abused me and hit me. My step father sexually assaulted me. I didn't have any friends. I was bullied.

Boo. Hoo.

Can I be real for a second? If you were abused, you most likely wouldn't have the mental strength to survive an apocalypse (I mean, you might, it depends). Heck, from being brutally pushed down a flight of stairs on a daily basis you wouldn't have the physical strength either. Not everyone has crappy families. It's just an excuse for the protagonist to get attention from Carl or Daryl.

To be honest, if I had a bad family life and the apocalypse happened, I wouldn't be mopping about it. Would you not be happy that your family are dead now?

Take Daryl, for example. He's still traumatised from his past, and probably feels alone and isolated. But he doesn't stare out a window every five seconds and say shit like, "who am I, Carl? What am I?" You're not Jayden Smith, miss me with that deep shit, bitch.


Preparing for an avalanche of people in the comments raining down on me with the wrath of God, here we go.

~ Aimee x

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