xliii. | 7x01

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xliii. | 7x01


I (as well as a lot of you) am currently dealing with an emotional trauma, so I decided to write my opinions about the season 7 premiere.

The episode opens on Rick being taunted by Negan, then being dragged to the RV. He's driven to where a walker is hung (we see this in 6x12) and is forced to go outside in the walker infested area to receive the axe that Negan throws out.

Before I dwell further, let me tell you what I think about Negan. I hate to love him, is basically my main emotion. Jeffery Morgan plays Negan amazingly and captures all the sadistic features that we haven't seen in a villain before. The way that he plays Negan is breath taking, and its almost like Negan is Jeffery Morgan. At the same time, however, I fucking hate him.

Rick climbs onto the top of the RV, and as he's lying there, he thinks back to what happened the previous night. Abraham is the unfortunate victim to meet Lucille originally. I personally loved Abraham as he was funny, but at the same time, he didn't stop at anything. He would do what it takes to protect the people he loves. When Negan says that Abraham would die, Abraham's face didn't change. He remained calm and confident, something I will continue to admire in him. The best thing I think about Abraham is how he will always find something to laugh about, or he'll say a smartarse comment. After Negan bashes his head in for the first time, Abraham says, "suck my nuts", which I think is beautiful.

Once Abraham is dead, Negan turns to Rosita and starts taunting her, trying to make her look at Abraham's dead body. As well as being incredibly sick, its also demonstrating how Negan truly doesn't care about anyone in the group. Daryl - seeing Rosita in such a state - stands up and punches Negan in the face.

Now, I know that there are some different opinions when it comes to Daryl causing Negan to kill Glenn, but try not to start shit in the comment section. I don't think it was Daryl's fault, as he was angry like the other members. I believe that Negan would of killed Glenn regardless.

I think most of you know that I do have a soft spot for Glenn. My name is, and will always be, GlennTrash. Its no secret that I love him, and I'm still in shock that he's gone. Glenn was such a unique character. He was part of the Atlanta Five, and he took stupid risks for the well being of the group. His main priority was always Maggie, and I think back to how much they've been through. I honestly struggled to watch this scene, and whats heartbreaking is how quickly Negan turned around to kill Glenn. Like I said, no remorse. Whats even worse is when Glenn tries to say, "Maggie", and Negan taunts him.

Since this is all a flashback, Rick is brought back to the group. We think everything is over, but we're sadly mistaken. Negan orders his men to out guns to the group's heads. He then tries to make Rick cut of Carl's arm.

I remember in AMC's 'the Walking Dead; Journey so far', Greg Nicotero said that they may have taken it to far with the cannibals in terminus, and all I can think about is how sick this scene is. Thankfully, Negan stopped Rick. All he wanted was a reaction, and for Rick to look at him the way everyone else does.

Before Negan lets the group go, he puts Daryl in a van and says that he belongs to him now. This infuriated me, because I love Daryl to pieces. I screamed at the TV; I was - and still am - pissed off.

After all of this, Negan and his men leave. Maggie starts blaming herself for everything, since she needed to be taken to Hilltop. At this point, I wanted to hug her so much. The way she was crying over Glenn's body, and the way that Sasha, Rosita and Eugene had their hands on Abraham's body was soul destroying.

Overall, this episode was worth the wait, despite me being bitter about Glenn's death. The only thing that I can think about is how differently things would go if Shane was still here. He wouldn't take any of Negan's shit, and thats the reason I miss him. I'm so emotionally involved in these characters, and I don't think I'll be over this for a long time.

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