lxi. | twd ships

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lxi. | twd ships

This is a 'the more you know' chapter, in case any of y'all are confused about different ships specifically in the TWD shows. I'll be rating each ship out of 10 and maybe say a few words. And I urge you guys to do so in the comments, if you want, just don't start shipping wars.

Jk, go mad.

Glaggie {Glenn and Maggie} 10/10 they're so perfect together. I personally don't see how anyone can not ship them.

Caryl {Carol and Daryl} 5/10 I like the idea of it, but I ship them. I think it's more of a maternal instinct that Carol has for Daryl.

Raryl {Rick and Daryl} 10/10 this is literally perfect though. They're just so compatible and it makes me so happy.

Grimalsh {Rick, Lori, and Shane} ???/10 I only just found out that this is a thing and to be honest I'm just confused at this point.

Richonne {Rick and Michonne} 1000/10 SHIPSHIPSHIPSHIP

Bethyl {Beth and Daryl} 2/10 I genuinely used to ship this and then I found out pedophillia was a thing so...

Carnid {Carl and Enid} I actually don't know how I feel/10

Rarl {Fuck off} ffs/10 I'm not fucking saying anything.

Rassie {Rick and Jessie} 0/10 no thank

Carshane {Carl and Shane} *nervous laughter*

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