v. | criticism

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v. | criticism

Personally, as a writer I love receiving criticism from my readers. It's a great way to find out how to improve on my skills, and it's nice to know people give a shit me that you're not just writing to a wall and this is a one way conversation oh.

If you are a writer, I encourage you to take in criticism, instead of being a self-centred Kentucky fried fuck;

"It's my book, I'll do what I want!!!!11!"
"I don't care what you say, it's a free country!!!"
"I'm gonna block you ur a meanie gunna tell my mum on u!"
"Fuck of bitch I'll fight I irl switch on location"


If the criticism is constructive and worded appropriately, what's the issue? I honestly think that if you can't accept the help of others, then you need to leave, because in the future when you send works to an editor, you'll be disappointed. And, if you get that angry, then that shows you know your work is bad because your angry that they're right.

Similiarly, you can't write a book like this (well, you can, just don't complain when you get people roasted your ass) and not expect criticism;

i was walking alone in the woods when i saw some people. " hi " i called but no one answered so i kept on walking i didnt want them to see me but they did i didnt know what to do so i ran but one the them was shouting at me " hey " they shouted i turned around and saw that he was a boy my age " hi what do you want " i asked " join our group " he said.

What's wrong with that paragraph? Can anybody give me an educated guess? Watch me get offended by your hateful comments!!!!1!1

Comment below on anything that bothers you about 'the Walking Dead' fanfics, and I'll write about them

~ Aimee xx

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