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You guys, I am so shook. I'm beyond shook. There isn't any words to explain how shook I am. I am babashook. I can't even describe the level of shook I am. I fly off of the shook spectrum, this espisode shook me to the core and back.

It was like I was an eleven year old fangirl living out her dream of being fucked senseless by Daryl. But I wasn't being fucked by Daryl. I was being fucked by Morales, and instead of his dick, he used some form of shook.

Can I just say that the episode was great anyway, but Morales was the real star here, folks. Seeing him, in all of his godly like ways, was just amazing. Now I'm not crazy for having him feature in the text messages, right? But really, that was a huge plot twist, and of course, it opens up a few theories I've thought about.


Morales knew about Glenn's death, and he told Negan that's who he should kill. Now, I'm not saying this is true, I was just thinking about it. But how fucked would it be if Morales was working for Negan and Negan told him 'yeah we have this southern fuck and his friends lmao which one of these fuckers should we kill' and morales said 'there should be a Korean called Glenn idk lol do it ahahah' and then Negan was like '💯💯👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻' and that's how it happened.

Or maybe I'm just talking out of my ass but it's a good thing to think about.


This is one that is probably unlikely and I haven't had a lot of time to think about, but what if the family Morales was looking for, was Negan? We don't know Negan's surname, and we don't know his nationality. I know that Morales is Hispanic, and maybe it won't make sense, but that could explain how they found each other.

All in all, I screeched when Morgan fell to the ground, but you can't kill my man like that, bitch, try again. And then *inhale* my main daddy. Dale who? Get the fuck out, Morales was the star of the show.

What did you guys think?
~ Aimee x

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