lxxv. | plagiarism

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lxxv. | plagiarism

This is something that isn't talked about enough.

Plagiarism is basically stealing someone's work. And if you weren't aware, it's incredibly common on Wattpad. I'm lucky in the sense this hasn't happened to me, but I do know it's very real.

The main issue is that the Wattpad staff supposedly don't do anything when it comes to plagiarism, so it's up to us (the users of Wattpad) to report the stolen book.

And by stolen, I mean, taking things without people's permission, I.e, cover, book titles, plot, etc. Why did I explain that lmao you guys are smart and probably know that and I'm gOING OFF TOPIC NOW

Since plagiarism is becoming a bigger issue, we just need to look out for each other. If we see a book that looks oddly familiar, message either me, or the original writer of the book, and we can try to get things sorted.

How to lower your chances of having your work plagiarised?

1. A copyright symbol. I have these on the descriptions of nearly all my books. You can find these online to copy and paste, and it's just proof you own the book.

2. The date of when you started writing. In the event someone does steal your book and they accuse you of stealing, by having the starting date of your book in the description, its proof you wrote it first and couldn't of stolen it.

3. Make friends lmao. The more people you have looking out for you and caring for you, the less chance people have of getting away with stealing shit. I'll personally be keeping a close eye on everything, just in case.

Obviously rant books like these and Fanfictions will be harder to stop from stealers, since they can claim the ideas are similiar due to them being based on the same idea. Sucks, doesn't it.

I hope I informed some of you guys about this. Stay safe and loved, my smol beans

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