xv. | grammar

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xv. | grammar

I understand that grammar and punctuation is kinda hard to write, so don't worry *trips over* I'll help.

Grammar (basic)
Your - Something belonging to you, i.e, Your phone.
You're - You are, i.e, You're going to the cinema.
There - Somewhere/a place, i.e, The kids were playing over there.
They're - They are, i.e, They're lying about the secret.
Their - The property of someone, i.e, that's their car.
Too - Agreeing with/To do something as well, i.e, I'm going to the event too
To - Used to express actions taken by people or objects, i.e, They went to the shop.
Two - The number.

Punctuation ranges from fullstops to semi colons. Punctuation can change the whole sentence.

For example,
Let's eat Grandma!
Let's eat, Grandma!
The difference in both sentences is the comma. Without it, the top sentence is implying that we should eat Grandma, however the bottom sentence is telling Grandma to eat.

An extended example,

i was walking along the road when i saw a man with a crossbow.he was tall and had brown hair and had a vest and was riding a motorbike.i stopped him and he said that i should join his group so i did and i went back with him and he introduced me to his group.

This paragraph which I wrote is lacking capital letters, fullstops in the correct places and commas. Some of the sentences are too long, and they don't make sense. This is how the paragraph should be written.

I was walking along the road when I saw a man with a crossbow. He was tall, and had brown hair. He was wearing a vest and riding a motorbike. I stopped him and he said that I should join his group; so I did. I went back with him and he introduced me to his group.

It looks better and sounds better as you read it. Basically, now you don't have an excuse to suck at grammar.

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