lxxxviii. | minor characters

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lxxxviii. | minor characters

Am I the only one who sees in every fanfic that the only characters mentioned are Daryl, Rick, and Carl. Then, occasionally Glenn and Maggie, and Michonne. And, if she's lucky, Carol. And everyone else can fuck themselves, yaknow. That pisses me off.

I get it if you're like me and have an insane amount of OCs that it's actually concerning, but at least that way you have dialogue and characters. I'm talking about the people who have Tiffany, and then choose which of the TWD characters gets the privilege of being in their book.

You can't have a scene that involves Merle, or Sahsa, and then just write them out. That isn't how it works.

Like, it's not difficult to write something like, "I looked over at Sasha, but she isn't as pretty as me and my big ol' titties."

Even something small shows the reader that you're not *cough cough hack* ignorant *cough sneeze wheeze*

When you understand the characters, then they're really fun to write. I personally loved writing Merle, because his personality is complex, but at the same time, lovable.

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