cx. | bitch please

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cx. | bitch please

I put on my headphones and start listening to Halsey bcuz she slays she's my literal queen I love her so much oh yeah I forgot to tell you this important thing so lemme just get a cuppa and I'll tell you hang on the kettles finishing boiling okay I'm ready

I had a boyfriend called Trent but he raped and abused me and today he came back!! I was doing the naughty with Carl and Trent comes into the room and I don't know how because I killed him but oh well

"You're coming with meee" he shouts and grabs my arm. I start crying and having a panic attack and I hyperventilate and start screeching like an eagle and then Daryl's jaw unhinges like a snake and he tries to eat Trent but misses and devours Michonne whole

"Oh no," rick says but he laughs because Daryl ate his girls pussy

"I'm gunna make u pay for trying to kill me". Trent saids "I'm a man of god and when I dyed god said I gotcha fam and sent me back down"

"Oh dear" rick says because Trent drags me outta the room like a badger getting dragged out of his home"

I'm wheezing and sneezing

~ Aimee x

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