c. | makeup

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c. | makeup

So today I think I might apply some mascara, and some blusher, and some concealer, and some foundation, and some setting pounder, and some eyeliner, and some lipstick, and some contour, and some highlight, and some nail polish, and some eyeshadow, and then draw on some eyebrows, and line my lips, and then set it with a spray-

Hoe don't do it. Oh my God.

Bruh, I get it, you look like shit. See, here's the thing, I look like shit, but I don't cake makeup onto my face on a daily basis. And that's in the real world, why the hell would you do that when you're fighting everyday for your life.

It's just so stupid. You're jealous because of how amazing Dale looks, and that's understandable, but no amount of makeup will make you as attractive as that Godly man.

Plus, wouldn't makeup be pretty hard to remove. Like, say if you somehow found the time to put it on, would you always be able to take it off? You'd end up with spots everywhere, and your skin would get greasy. There's a difference between maybe moisturising your skin, and then trying to look like Kim Kardashain.

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