vi. | is there a plot?

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vi. | is there a plot?

This is gonna be long ( like my dick *immature sniggering*) Anywhore, this chapter is kinda going to be more about opinions then general thoughts. People argue on where the line of between Fanfiction and just being stupid, so hopefully I can shed some light on this.

Now, I know it is hard as hell trying to follow the show, i.e, following the script, what happens, where the group goes. It's okay to leave some things out, but completely abandoning the plot just so your character can do certain things is not ideal. And be original, yeah, but making your OC be a tool and basically taking over everyone's roles into following the plot of the show.

*low mumble* fyi, if you don't follow the plot then it's technically not Fanfiction but whatever okay you do you boo don't get sued


Following the show - Looking out from around the shop corner, I watched as Jesus was attempting to bribe the two men for their van. Heart pounding, I knew not to interfere. As much as I wanted to, Jesus had it under control. At least, I think he did...

Yo, have you even watching the show - Looking out from around the shop corner, I watched as Jesus was attempting to bribe the two men for their van. Heart pounding, I ran out and started attacking the men, my limbs flailing like an aquatic animal...

See what I mean? By following the show, I mean when your character knows where they fucking belong. They can't intervene and take over Rick's role, or something like that. Similarly, what's the point in having everyone miss out on Terminus. Gareth deserves to be respected, don't diss him like this.

Lmao, I edited this and the controversy in the comments is going to confuse the new readers. Sorry lol.

~ Aimee x

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