xxxiii. | the cdc

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xxxiii. | the cdc

So much shit happens at the CDC, I swear to God, it's become such a ridiculous cliché. I mean, assuming your character comes around when Rick does, that's not a lot of time to develop the character, so it just seems really desperate.

1. The character has a breakdown

For some reason, Tiffany decides to get upset over Jim or Amy's death whilst they're at the CDC. What's annoying is that they probably weren't close anyway, and that this is just an attempt to get Daryl or Glenn to notice them.

Of course, if you really emphasis the relationship your character has between Jim and Amy, that's fine. But, if you don't, it's just a pity attempt.

2. Sex

Can we think about this real quick. Let's assume that the character is found with Rick and they meet Glenn or Daryl. It's roughly a week until they go to the CDC from there, so why do they have sex? Your character doesn't even know them, so how convenient for you, smh.

3. Suicide

Another thing is that Tiffany has to be convinced to not stay at the CDC when it's about to blow up. This is so irritating. Like, when Daryl or someone has to physically lift her. They'd leave you there, you're nothing special.

Put it this way, unless your character for some reason has a close bond with Rick and co, you'd be left. Lmao, everyone left Andrea except Dale.


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