Number ??? | slightly offensive book titles

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number ??? | slightly offensive book titles

I've seen this around a lot, and it really pisses me off.

It's when people use mental illnesses in their book title, despite not having mental illnesses in their book. Like, why use mental health to promote your book? That's like having a book called, "I have cancer but yay Daryl fucked me" like what are you trying to achieve.

It annoys me because it hits close to home. It's really not difficult to come up with a different book title rather than taking advantage of something really horrible. And I'm talking about these kinds of titles;

- Depressing love

- Bipolar feelings

- Bulimic, more like Bul-Carl please notice me - imic

Just don't use the things that destroy our lives to make your book more popular. Because there will be the small kids that think 'OH a book with borderline personality disorder in the title, sounds like Carl will cure her" and read it. But, in reality, that's not how it works.

This better not offend people, and if it does, I would love to hear a strong argument as to why people should use mental health to promote their books.

~ Aimee x

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