wolf pets

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wolf pets

Just a reminder; The Walking Dead isn't Minecraft. You can't hit a wolf over the head with a bone and have it tamed, bitch, that isn't how it works. And how cliché is a wolf, anyway. Assuming that you and the wolf would both be starving, the wolfs animal instincts would make it eat you. You'd be engulfed by this wolf.

And no, it isn't a werewolf, stop sexualising animals please and thank.

People keep coping the "King Ezekiel and Shiva" storyline. Hoe, they had a good, thoughtout storyline. It worked well and there wasn't any plot holes.

Tiffany, on the other hand, found a wolf cub, raised it, and somehow it's a fully grown wolf in the matter of a few months when she first finds the group. Regardless of that for a moment, a domesticated dog would eat you if it was hungry enough (not that anyone would want to eat your STD ass *sips tea*)

Pets in the Walking Dead are pretty much just another tear jerking, because they're obviously gonna die. You can have pets, that's fine, but not wolves please oh please it's so overused omg.

I'm getting blood tests etc for anti depressants, because the ones I were one weren't actually anti depressants, my parents lied to see how I would react emotionally if I thought I were on them.

Turns out I have Generalised Anxiety Disoder, Mild depression, borderline eating disorder, and sub clinical psychosis. Oh, the joys of being royally fûcked.

Lotta love and sorry for slow updates,

~ Aimee x

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