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Okay so I haven't actually seen the last three or four episodes of The Walking Dead, mainly because I've not been able to find the time. But, I've seen spoilers. And I have a lot to say about Carl.

FIRST OFF, Carl was never meant to die. He lives on in the comics, which is really confusing. Are they just going to pull an 'Andrea' on us, and eventually kill Carl in the comics even though he isn't meant to die? And I don't even know how he died (someone fill me in?), but apparently it wasn't a good death.

SECONDLY, why on God's Green Earth would the producers of The Walking Dead think it's a good idea to kill Carl when we still have characters living on borrowed time, like Daryl, Carol, And Judith (is she still alive? I honestly don't know at this point).

But, with that being said, people are trying to start a petition to have Scott Gimple fired from his job.


I find it hard to believe that any of you would be apart of something like that, because you're all such lovely and mature people, but I think it's disgusting that there's people out there set to ruin a man's life over a TV show. He has a family, and him getting fired is going to put him through hell. I know what happened is actually upsetting, but it's not right to treat him like that.

Maybe Carl's death is for the better. But, I doubt it.

He was a brave kid. He had a strong mind, and he knew which battles to fight. He loved his family - blood or not - and would do anything for them.

"Jiggy jar jar doo"
Rest in peace, sheriff's son.

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