viii. | special treatmeant

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viii. | special treatmeant

Why is it that your character gets special treatment with the group? As soon as she meets the group, everyones like, 'Oh hey, come in, make yourself comfortable. Do you want a cup of tea'

Bitch, I'll fucking throw that tea over Tiffany's face. She can't waltz in her with big ol' emo hair and act like she's the shit. She is shit. Gtfo, Tiffany, who even are you. Smh.

Real talk? Rick and Daryl would both interrogate you. They wouldn't pity you because your character is a girl. You'd be locked somewhere away from everyone else, because Rick has a family to protect, and Daryl loves the group, though he doesn't admit it. As for everyone else? They follow the leader, and what Rick says, goes.

So no, Tiffany wouldn't be fucking Carl right now. She would be in the basement of a house in Alexandria eating food of a tray.

Thank you, and good night *drops mic*

Wait actually why is it all the books have a female white character? How about an asian male, an african gender fluid person? And why are they all straight? Not lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, asexual? Low-key curious.

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