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Disclaimer: I do not own Khr, it belongs to the original creator Akira Amano. The plot is the only part of this story that I own.

Read and enjoy~

Normal Pov

“ Why you piece of filth get back here!”, A young beautiful woman yelled from all the way upstairs of her small Mansion. She was such a beauty that no one would think that the way she would speak would contradict her perfect image.

A young five year old child with snow white skin, and soft fluffy gravity defying hair walked up the stairs slowly with his head down. He stopped at the step below the one she was on.
“ Yes mother.”, the young child spoke in a slightly timid voice.

“ What did I say about calling me that?!”, she yelled at the boy. The child was indeed her son but she loathed everything about him including the fact that he called her mother.

“ My apologies Madam. Tsunayoshi understands his mistake and will receive his punishment willingly.”, Young Tsuna bowed to her still keeping his head lowered.

“ Where were you today when you were suppose to look about the meal for My husband, my baby angel son, and I?”, Sawada Nana inquired. Oh yes she had another son she treated like an angel. He was one year younger than her eldest Sawada Tsunayoshi. His name was Sawada Leymitsu.

“ The Young master was alone and I took it upon myself to entertain him instead of interrupting your time alone with my Master.”, Tsuna said knowing what would come next. A harsh slap to the face and a kick to his side that sent him tumbling down the stairs.

“ WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT GOING NEAR MY SON WHEN HIS FATHER AND I ARE NOT AROUND? You demon child that devoured your own flesh and blood, do not go near my son ever again.”, Nana shouted outraged. Her eyes were burning with flames of wrath.

“ My apologies madam for playing with the Young master. Tsunayoshi will receive punishment for this offense also.”, Tsuna got up as if nothing happened, but secretly he was in a lot of pain and had to swallow the blood that was in his throat.

“ Your Master and I will deal with you later. Expect the worse punishment once he returns.”, she said storming off. Young Tsuna finally looked up. He was smiling but his brown eyes held something different and new. They were like closed doors, no one can see through them for they were cold without much life in both of them.

He went to look about dinner since he had been doing it for a few months now. He was his family's personal servant that did everything in the Mansion and received punishment for the slightest error. He was treated worse than a slave since he was just a newborn baby and he learnt to live with it because of the sin he committed the moment he was born

His Madam was his mother Sawada Nana, his Master was his father Sawada Iemitsu, and his Young master was his own little brother Sawada Leymitsu. After meal the loving couple put their youngest to bed while they dragged their oldest to a soundproof room where they strapped him to a pole in the center of the room.

They stripped him and doused him in freezing water. Then they took small knives and started carving words into his skin before whipping him countless times until they created patterns crisscrossing on his skin.

The whipping and the words meant nothing to him even if they were words of the untold hate his parents had for him. It was the actions of both of them that slowly made his heart crumble and starting to get numb.

There was only one thing that gave him solace; he had made a promise with his dearest one closest to his heart. It was the thing that kept him and a part of his heart alive.

But humans are know for betrayals and breaking promises. His heart would shatter the very next day unknown to young Tsuna.

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