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It was the last day of November, over one and a half month since Cielo started attending Namimori Academy of Flames.

He was being his usual cold self not showing any signs of change except for the fact that people found out the interesting detail that Hayato was living in his Mansion. Majority who came to know about him just accepted the fact that he was different just like everyone else.

It was the last day of November and Cielo was taking the long way home after school, instead of his usual route. He passed a old traditional Japanese Mansion on his way that he knew belonged to the Hibari Nobles.

His sharp ears caught what was happening on the second floor near the window that looked over to the road. A couple were arguing with their son. He sat on a bench nearby and listened.

" Are you not making any efforts to be acknowledged? Our family has an honorable code of conduct, a rich history, and wealth. Who doesn't want to associate themselves with us? You just drive them away with that antisocial behavior of yours didn't you?", the middle age father asked.

The son didn't answer.

" Kyoya honey, no matter what you are going to find a wife and get married when you become sixteen. So just get use to the idea, and while you are at it find yourself a decent sky that our family can be proud to produce another mighty guardian.", the pretty young woman said.

" Yes Sir and Mam. Should I also point out the fact that this isn't what I desire? People are noisy and annoying, and don't like to go by the rules.", was Hibari's reply to his parents.

" Well young man suck it up! There is only one rule in this house you should always follow, and that is to respect the wishes of who is in charge, and that's us.", the man scolded.

" I don't want to hear you disagreeing with your father, Kyoya. What we say goes. Do I make myself clear?", the woman sounded serious.
" Crystal.", Hibari replied. He left for his room while the servants started setting the dinner table.

In his room Hibari closed the door and slumped into his bed.
" Only if I wasn't so weaker than my father I could easily defeat him and don't have to follow their rules. I want to be the one to make the rules. Then again I can't fight my own parents, a code of conduct is to always respect parents.", Hibari said. His mood was pretty sour right now.

Hibari wasn't the only one in a bad mood. The teen sitting on the bench on the opposite side of the Mansion that no one noticed was in a really bad mood as well. Cielo took his school bag and went home.

Hayato greeted him to which he greeted back and went to his room. For a guest Hayato was free to do anything in the Mansion like it was his own house. Cielo didn't mind at all even if he destroyed it, since he could always buy another.

" Why do I get the feeling that he is in a bad mood worse than the usual?", Hayato questioned himself. He went back to preparing dinner since the two took turns in preparing every meal.

Having parents that controls one's life they don't deserve freedom. Having parents that kills their own children doesn't deserve to live. But why the hell do I care?, Cielo thought changing out of his Uniform. Just then there was a ache in his heart.

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