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New years rolled around and the four were invited to Yamamoto' Diner for New year's dinner. The Diner was closed that day and Tsuyoshi was the one who was going to prepare their meals and serve them.

Bianchi who was also invited assisted him in the preparations along with Takeshi.

Dinner started at 4pm, so they arrived five minutes before the time. Soon they were all seated around the table that had many different dishes. Lanterns were strung up and the tablecloth was red with golden designs.

Cielo and Kyoya sat a little apart from the others. The others talked and laughed together spreading the feeling of togetherness, even Kyoya conversed a little even if it was not more than a few words. Cielo was the only one who just silently partake in the dinner.

After the dinner they went to the park and watched the fireworks. There was a very big crowd and they something got separated. None of them was worried since the Mansion was nearby and they could go home any time they wanted.

Cielo kept an eye on their flame signature while he remained in the shadows and watched the stunningly beautiful fireworks. Suddenly there was a commotion in a part of the crowd where Cielo felt Hayato's flame signature.

Cielo and the others in his group went in that direction. Along the way they spotted the heirs of the different Kingdoms with their guardians and protectors in tow. It seemed like everyone came out to see the fireworks.

Cielo and the others reach the center of the crowd where they spotted a beautiful young woman with brown hair and two boys at her side. The young woman was seen arguing with Hayato.

The woman was none other than Sawada Nana and her two sons Leymitsu and Ieyoshi.
" So you were the one who made that sick bastard of a person hurt and humiliate my son in public?!", Nana accused loudly.

" Who are you calling sick bastard you tramp!? Your son was the one who started it since he was acting high and mighty. I will not allow you to insult Cielo in font of me.", Hayato retorted on the same volume.

" How dare you speak to me like that you delinquent? I can make your life and the rest of your family very miserable. Trash commoners like you dare to harm my son and insult me, how preposterous.", Nana threatened.

" Yeah mom teach this homeless puppy a lesson.", Leymitsu interjected. " Mom Gokudera San might have called you a tramp because you insulted the person who showed him kindness. Please don't harm him.", Ieyoshi implored.

Bianchi who was beside Cielo and the others who had found each other was about to go to her brother's aid when she was suddenly stopped by a bone chilling fear from the thick murderous intent beside her.

She moved away and same for the others who were near the white hair teen who was letting a fraction of his killing intent leak out. The one it was aimed at was Nana and Leymitsu, but it was mostly focused on Nana.

Cielo remembered the last time he was in close proximity to his mother it was when she and her husband helped Leymitsu to stab him in his heart with a knife.

He had heard her nasty comment of how she wanted to hear his scream before he died. And most importantly she and her husband sold him (his dead body) to Estraneo.

" If you so much as touch a hair on his head Sawada Nana I will personal kill you bitch, your shitty bastard of a husband, and your bratty son. Do I make myself clear?", Cielo words dripped venom mixed in with a little of his killer intent.

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