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Cielo chuckled before answering, " How impolite of you Mr. Hibari, is this the way you treat a guest as a Nobleman?

" But yes I was the one who slowed down your hearts and blood flow in your veins with my rain flames. Be polite or else you don't want to know the outcome of making me angry."

" Just who are you? And how can you speak to me like that? Your parents did a very poor job to teach you some manners, I should educate you in their stead.", Mr. Hibari said.

" Maybe I should permanently stop their hearts as well, after all they never once treated me like their son, in a matter of fact they never treated me as a human being. But let's not speak about me, I am just here to grant your son's wish.", Cielo stated.

" That was you?", Kyoya asked surprised. Cielo nodded, " Yes. I am here to bring you back with me."

" What wish are you talking about? Where are you bringing my son?", Mr. Hibari questioned. " Your son wishes for freedom of choice. You are so stupid thinking that you can control a cloud flame user. Clouds are aloof they can never be bound.", Cielo told him.

" Cielo don't kill them.", Kyoya spoke up at this point. " I won't. Now take me to your room for a few personal belongings you would like to take to your new home.", Cielo withdrew his rain flames as the Hibari couple shakily got to their feet.

Cielo followed behind Kyoya to his room before he reached out of the couples sight he turned back and flashed them a meaningful look that left them shaken to their core.

The reason behind this was that he had used his mist flames to directly transmit a message into their minds, " Stay away from Kyoya until he returns by his own free will.

" If you decide to interfere in his matters or mine you will find yourself six feet under. And the worse part is I can erase all proof and memories of your existence from this world and mind of everyone who ever knew you, and that includes your son. If you don't believe me just try me."

Cielo used his night flames to teleport Kyoya important possessions to his new room in the mansion, then he made a portal to his Mansion. He opened the door with Kyoya following behind him.

" Welcome back Cielo. You came just in time for Lunch. Dad sent you a lot of our signature dishes from the Diner as a sign of gratitude while you were out. I was helping Hayato set up before you came. ", Takeshi was the one who greeted them.

Takeshi then saw Kyoya and was surprised that he was the one who Cielo went to pick up, " Welcome Hibari."
" Oh it's the baseball herbivore. I didn't know you were here. What happened to you?", Kyoya asked.

" About that Cielo saved me from myself yesterday. The experience was painful but I am not one to complain, instead I will forever be grateful.", Takeshi replied with a smile. His genuine smiles were truly warm and inviting.

They reached the dining room where Hayato was just finishing up. The table was set with many Sushi dishes and seafoods. Takeshi's father was a Sushi Chef so his Diner specialized mostly in sea foods. They served other dishes there including beverages and desserts.

" Welcome back Cielo. Oh, and you are Hibari Kyoya the Academy's prefect.", Hayato greeted looking up.

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