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Bianchi left and Luce went to sleep. Around Midnight Luce woke up and spotted a tray of freshly baked cookies and a glass of warm milk on the table at her bedside. The one who has baked her the snack sat on the side of her bed holding one of her hand in his.

Seeing her awake he simply told her " My Sun flames don't work anymore as you predicted."
" It's fine. Despite the blanket I am still very cold. I am so cold.", Luce said. Cielo helped her to sit up.

He took a cookie and placed it in front of her lips, " They are still warm. I took them out of the oven five minutes ago. The milk is also warm and taste lovely."

" Yes they are, Cielo Kun. You are a wonderful baker and a great cook.", Luce giggled sweetly.

Cielo watched as she finished his cookies and the milk. He carefully wiped away the crumbs with a napkin making sure not to ruin her makeup.

He cleared his throat as he placed the blanket on top of her again, " Madam Luce, please be honest with me, do you hate me now since you are dying?"

" Cielo Kun. To be honest I always have this wish since I met you. My daughter is all grown up and my grandfather only visits me on holidays. Ever since I met you I wished you were my son. Nothing changes that, the fact that everyone in the Mansion died, or that I am dying.", Luce replied earnestly.

Cielo said nothing, he wasn't sure what to say in a situation like this. It hurt him to see the only person kind to him, apart from those in the Mansion, was in such a miserable state.

He was the cause of her misfortune and her early death, yet she could look pass his sin and say something like that to him. He wished that his heart was completely numb, yet he wished the opposite.

The reason he wanted his heart to be numb was because he felt an unbearable ache in his heart for Luce's death. He wished it wasn't numb completely because he wouldn't have cared that Luce was dying after all she did for him.

Noticing his blank stare and his clenched hands Luce raised her hand and caressed his cheek calling out his name, " Cielo Kun?".

He snapped out of his thoughts, " Yes Madam Luce?". " I am getting cold. Please tell me a long story, after all it's going to be my final bed time story.", Luce replied.

" What story would you like to hear?", Cielo asked. Luce seemed to be thinking, " Tell me all about yourself. All secrets you tell me we are both sure that I will bring it to my grave."

" Are you sure? Such a story is very dark and gloomy. It will make you gloomy, and I want you to be happy.", Cielo said.

" I am sure. I want to know the real you before I die.", Luce said confidently.

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