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" You sensed my presence the moment I sat down even in your sleep. You have quite a strong Intuition Cielo.", Reborn said before adding a formal introduction, " I am Reborn. Sun Arcobaleno from the Arcobalenos Secret Order, and Sawada Leymitsu's personal instructor."

Cielo kept quiet as he looked around. There was another person on the roof but further in a corner where it was hard for him to be noticed. He was a teen from Cielo's class with raven hair and steel grey eyes.

The front of his hair was parted forming an 'M'. He wore a badge next to his ID which said Disciplinary Committee. His ID read Hibari Kyoya. Age 15. Class xx. Cloud Flames.

" So you also noticed Hibari. He his from a Noble Family from here in Namimori. He is known as the demon prefect of Namimori Academy. This is his usual spot, so students normally avoid this area since he despise crowding.", Reborn told him.

" We have something in common then. He hates crowds and so do I. I even hate being around one person.", Cielo said turning around to face Reborn.
" Have you calmed down from earlier?", Reborn asked.

" Earlier was me over reacting. Nothing else.", Cielo sat up. Reborn eyed him to determine if he was telling the truth, but he averted Cielo's eyes not wanting to stare into them for long.

" Do you have something against my student? If you haven't noticed you almost killed him earlier.", Reborn questioned.
Cielo shook his head not opening his mouth.

" Since when did your flame awaken?"

Instead of using his voice Cielo raised five of his fingers. Reborn interpreted it as when he was five. " Is something wrong with your voice." Another head shake.

" Then why don't you use it?"

Cielo's face said it for him. Reborn could read expressions so he got it right away, " When you don't speak the uninvited company will just leave?" A nod from Cielo.

" One more question before I leave then. What is your last name?" Cielo pointed to his name on his ID.

" You don't have one. See you around then Cielo. Oh you know Gokudera you should watch the duel between him and my student three days from now. He challenged him the moment you left. You should come watch it.", Reborn said before he left.

Another half an hour later Lunch was over and it was back to classes. There were two sections to the Academy; Junior years and Senior years. Age 5 to 12 attend the Junior section, while age 13 to 17 attend the Senior section.

As Cielo walked to class heard students whispering about him, and the other new student they were whispering about was Gokudera Hayato who had challenged the older Vongola heir to a duel in three days time with Reborn's permission.

The next two Subjects were Mathematics and English, two ordinary Subjects taught in high schools. Cielo aced these two Subjects since he had a college graduate level education.

He answered all questions correctly when he was called on but did not participate in discussions or answered questions unless he was called on.

Hayato who also had a high IQ level did extremely well in his classes as well but he was like Cielo when it came to answering questions and taking part in class discussions.

After a long day of lessons School finally dismissed at three thirty in the evening. The half an hour before 4pm was devoted to extra curricular activities and clubs.

Being new students Gokudera and Cielo went home after school since they didn't sign up for any clubs or extra curricular activities for their first day of school.

Cielo reached home and entered the Mansion that was big and lonely. He closed the door and checked that the security system he created was running smoothly.

This Mansion of his could keep out all Demons below the Demon Lord level due to the special means he employed to secure this Mansion. Even Demon Lords will have to spend some valuable minutes to break in.

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