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" Who the hell are you? Don't tell me you are the one who hurt my son. I am afraid you leave me with no choice but to involve your parents in this matter.", Nana became furious.

" The day when you learn my true identity is the day you will die. I didn't just want to hurt your son I wanted to kill him, but I want to do it in the most slowest and painful way imaginable.

" As for my parents, it's actually funny you should mention them, I remembered myself saying the next time I met them is the day I will personally rip their hearts out and stuff it down their throats.", Cielo replied coldly.

" You son of a bitch!", Nana fumed. Cielo added, " Exactly! Now you know why I hate bitches like you."

Cielo turned off is KI and spoke to Hayato, " Hayato let's go. The others can return whenever they want, but I don't want to stay in this contaminated atmosphere any longer."

He walked away with Hayato walking beside him. Hayato said goodbye to his sister and bid farewell to Tsuyoshi. Kyoya was already ahead of them.

Takeshi stayed a moment with his father who brought him to one side. " Dad what's up?", Takeshi questioned.

Tsuyoshi checked that their was no eavesdroppers, before he told his son, " Takeshi I have a task for you. I have been observing this Cielo for a while and as come to the conclusion that he needs help."

" What task? And how can I help Cielo?", Takeshi asked.

Tsuyoshi answered, " From all that I have gathered about him I know his personality makes him distance from others and appeared indifferent.

" But he is not totally indifferent to everything. His way of stopping you from jumping off the roof match perfectly with his personality.

" He seems to have a lot of things going wrong for him so seeing you want to end your own life made him say ' pick the easy way out ' and labled you as pathethic.

" What I am trying to say is there will be a day when Cielo will need saving from himself, so your task is to stay by his side and carry out your duties as his rain, after all he is a Sky hence the name Cielo. It is the Italian word for Sky. Good luck with this task of yours my son."

" Cielo is a Sky? But he is a night flame user. Still I trust dad. I will succeed in this task no matter how difficult it may seem, plus the first rule of the mansion makes it all the more impossible.", Takeshi muttered to himself as he walked back to the Mansion.

That night Cielo stared at the moon through his window and thought about his meeting with his mother today. He wanted to hurt her and her entire family very badly, since she had sentenced him to a life of eternal pain and torment the moment she had given birth to him.

But to wash away the feeling of vengeance that was slowly bubbling to the surface within him he reminded himself of what the person who had wished to be his mother once told him.

" Cielo Kun, If you forget everything I have said to you in the past never forget this. No matter what Humans do they will always fail before they succeed. Pain is imminent, but it's our desire to live through it that makes us Humans.", Luce said with a warm smile.

" But Madam Luce... would you have still said that if you knew I wasn't really a Human?", Cielo smiled sadly at the memory.

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