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Note: Here all the heirs are 15years of age, except Leymitsu who skipped a grade. Most of their guardians are the same age, while some of their guardians are either older than them by a year or younger than them by a few years.

Eg. Byakuran age 15, Kikyo age 15, Zakuro age 15, Daisy age 15, Torikabotu age 16, Bluebell age 12.

Eg. Enma age 15, Julie age 15, kouyou age 15, Oyama age 16, Adelheid age 16, Kaoru age 16, Shitt P age 14(she skipped a grade and is in Enma's class)

Eg. Xanxus age 15, Squalo age 15, Belphegor age 15, Lussuria age 16 , Levi age 16 , Fran age 12, Viper( not attending)

Eg. Dino age 15. He doesn't have guardians instead he has three protectors one his own age, and the other two were 16.

{Yuni age 15. She doesn't have guardians of her own since she will inherit her mother's guardians when she inherit the throne due to her mother being the leader of the Arcobalenos Secret Order. She doesn't have protectors in school since the Arcobalenos are there. Outside school she has two}

{ Vongola guardians are all fifteen except Lambo who is age 10}

Sepira was their History teacher. Before she began her class she marked the register calling out the names of the students.

Byakuran Gesso present,
Kikyo present,
Daisy present,
Zakuro present,
Enma Kozato present,
Rauji Oyama Present,
Kouyou Aoba present,
Julie Kato present,
Shitt p present,
Xanxus De Varia present,
Superbia Squalo present,
Belphegor present,
Dino Cavalone present,
Romario present,
Yuni Giglo Nero present,
Sawada Leymitsu present,
Hibari Kyoya present,
Yamamoto Takeshi present,
Sasagawa Ryohei present,
Gokudera Hayato present,
and Cielo present.

Then Sepira started her lesson.

Exactly one thousand years ago the Human race went to war with the Demon race and the Monsters. This was known as the great war that killed the higher beings, a special species that did not belong to any race and their sole task was to reside over the great power of the universe.

The Demons were the ones that instigated the war since the new Demon King of the Netherworld had coveted the power of the Universe so it could dominate and rule over the two other race; the Humans and Monsters.

The higher beings wanting to stop the King of the Netherworld requested the help of the Humans and Monsters to fight on their side while they protected the power of the Universe. The three parties signed a treaty.

The day of the great battle arrived and disaster rose in their midst. In the middle of the battle half of the Monster's race betrayed the Humans and Higher beings to the Demons.

To protect Human kind, the remaining loyal monsters, and the power of the Universe the Higher beings sacrificed their lives to banish the monsters in different Zones across the Earth and killed the King of the Netherworld.

At the end of the Great War only a couple from the Higher beings remained alive guarding the power of the Universe. Being the only surviving members of their race they took the power of the Universe which was a glowing multicolored cube with unimaginable power and broke it into seven equal pieces.

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