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A portal appeared below Cielo's feet. It started rising swallowing him whole before closing. Then another portal opened above Leymitsu. It rotated downwards revealing Cielo from top to bottom before closing.

" Let's get started.", Leymitsu said and so they started sparring in mid air. Even with his amazing stamina since he participated in sports Leymitsu found it difficult to keep up with Cielo's speed. He took many punches and kicks before being able to block a few.

He had many openings as Cielo observed him. After a few minutes Cielo found the perfect timing between one of Leymitsu's weak opening to activate his mist flames.

No one noticed as his eyes changed color to Indigo or sensed the change in flames. Cielo touched Leymitsu's forehead and he was instantly fed many thoughts, emotions, and memories of his brother's life for the last ten years he no longer lived with him.

He became slightly dizzy as he took in all the information. He turned off his Mist flames and landed back on the ground processing the new information.

He watched as he played the memories in his mind. These ten years his brother never once showed any signs of regret for killing his brother. Worse yet a month later when he heard that his mother was going to give him a new brother he gradually forgot that he had an older one, one he stabbed in the heart and broke his promise to.

Cielo watched the memories while experiencing his brother's exact emotions and thoughts he felt in those moments. His brother carried on living with his parents and new brother like a happy family and was spoiled rotten by his parents, the same parents who had hated Tsunayoshi and made him their slave and abused him.

He continued watching as his brother became the type of person he was today, selfish, arrogant, egoistic, and spoilt. The younger brother Ieyoshi also appeared in Leymitsu's memories, but he was completely different from his brother.

Ieyoshi was kind, caring, intelligent, and was not aware what his family has done before he was born. He was never told that he had another older brother, one that his parents and brother had killed and sold to a lab that experimented on kids.

He was loved by his parents just as they loved and doted on Leymitsu but he never became spoilt or selfish. His brother Leymitsu also loved him but never really spending time with him so he hang out with his friends from school often.

Am I not even in his(Leymitsu) worst memories? He practically forgot my existence for these ten years while I was in hell. I had hung on to the smallest bit of hope that he regretted trying to kill me and breaking his promise, but it looks like I hoped too much.

What am I surprised about? I was meant to be cast aside, forgotten, and used by others to achieve their own means. A slave for my so called parents, a lab rat for Estraneo, and a puppet for Lord Shiva. Why though? Because I had committed a sin when I was born.

I don't appear as a human to anyone, I am just their tool to be used and stepped on. I don't even feel emotions like regular humans, I reap lives like it's nothing. Just what am I? Who am I? Cielo? Ciel? Kaito? Certainly not Sawada Tsunayoshi.

These were Cielo's thoughts has he stood there silently.

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