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School reopened in a few days after New year's day. The Academy had celebrated the holidays with the kids who had board over the holidays.

Cielo's group arrived at the same time and split up so they all entered the classroom at different times. Their classmates were well aware of who lived with Cielo since the whole fiasco on New years day.

The bell rang and they took their seats as Sepira came in. She marked the register and got down to the notices.

“ Well this semester is going to be a fun and hardworking one that will broaden your horizon, build teamwork and trust, and most importantly get you enough working experience for when you succeed the throne to your kingdoms or find a sky worthy of you.”, Sepira announced.

“ The Academy gives out jobs and the different guilds also send job posters to the Academy. There are different rewards for each job done.

“ Those who don't care for money the academy awards special points to each individual, pair, or group every time they take a job. These points we call them SP and are very important.

“ The individual, pair, or group that accumulates the most SP by the time of graduation will be given something that even the Demon king of the Netherworld would very much want.”, Sepira explained further.

Someone raised their hand in the air. When Sepira called on that person the person asked, “ What type of jobs are we talking about?”

“ The jobs varies from finding a rare plant or object, solve a mystery, entering Monster zones, catching hostile Demons, etc.

“ The jobs are also ranked by their difficulties. From most difficult to least difficult there are: SS rank, S rank, A rank, B rank, and C rank.”, Sepira Sensei went on to explain.

“ An example of an SS rank mission is to defeat an invading demon army lead by more than one demon lords.  S rank missions are simpler it's to defeat an invading army of demons and monsters without any leader. Rank A, B, and C are rather simple compare to those mentioned two.”, Sepira Sensei added.

“ Wasn't there another mission above those you mentioned Sensei?”, Byakuran questioned.

“ Well there is another one Bya-kun, but only the current Headmaster of the Academy, the members of the Arcobalenos Secret Order, and myself that can complete this mission. It's called the Legendary Rank mission.”, Sepira Sensei divulged.

“ In this generation no one can, including the ones you listed, complete the so called Legendary Rank mission.”, a voice interjected.  The class's attention was diverted to the one who spoke. It was Cielo.

“ What do you mean Cielo Kun, do you know what the Legendary Rank mission is?”, Sepira Sensei asked. Cielo reply, “ The Legendary mission is to kill the current Demon king of the Netherworld. Since the time of the great war no one was able to complete the mission.”

“ Can you explain how you knew this?”, Sepira inquired.
“ The same way I knew that your History lessons missed a few key points. Whether it was to protect the ignorant or hide the truth only those who were involved in the great war would know.

“ Demon kind strive off despair and negativity, so tell me Sensei was it a great idea to go to war at that time? Who was it who instigated the great war in the first place? Who was the one who really betrayed the alliance? They condemned their entire race to damnation, and in the end the King of the Netherworld was not defeated.”, Cielo revealed staring out the window as if the conversation had nothing to do with him.

“ We will speak about your theory another time Cielo Kun, but class he did answer my previous question correctly if you don't pay attention to his theory. The Legendary Rank mission is to kill the current king of the Netherworld.”, Sepira smiled as she told the class.

Secretly she was dumbstruck at the knowledge he had about these things that are highly confidential and not disclosed to more than a few people.

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