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Note: From Here on out to future chapters I will refer to Tsuna as the persona he is wearing. He has four personas: Tsuna; his real persona. Cielo; his other persona. Ciel; the hacker persona. Kaito; the Demon hunter persona.

On a long lonely road in the middle of a forest in Europe where Demons were bandits that terrorized Merchants that passed with their Merchandise, a Carriage came slowly in sight.

Inside this carriage sat a little boy around age ten dressed in a white robe, long white boots, white gloves, white hood, and a white mask. Beneath his hood was a beautiful head of snow white hair.

One might think that this was a girl since the mask revealed tender red lips and cold blue eyes. But beauty aside, this was no girl, it was Tsuna in disguise! The name for this new mysterious persona was Kaito. He was carrying twin swords on his back with white scabbards.

He sensed many Demon lifeforms nearby and above in the treetops near the road. As the carriage passed beneath a overhanging tree Demons jumped out of hiding ready to ambush the carriage.

To their surprise the carriage flickered and disappeared as if was not there to begin with. It was no mystery, Kaito just had a terrifying control of his flames including his mist flames which he used to create an illusion of a carriage.

In the midst of the Demons stood a child all dressed in white staring at them as if he was the hunter and they were the prey. These demons had sickly pail skin and resembled vampires with fangs and all except their eyes were yellow and slitted with a black line just like a feline.

They had claws, pointy nose and ears, and were dressed like ruffians.

" A flame user. But it's just a child. Don't tell me the mercenary guilds allowed a brat like this to hunt us down for that ridiculous bounty they placed on our heads?", the apparent leader of the group walked forward.

" You stupid bunch aren't at all ignorant of the outside world despite robbing passing Merchants in the middle of the woods. Save me much trouble then.", Kaito said indifferently. This offended all the demons there as they knashed their teeth and balled their fists.

" A feisty little brat aren't you? Boys get him!", the leader ordered. But none of them could move. They doubled over as they found it hard to breath.

" No need to get worked up over trivial things. I just took the liberty to slow down your heartbeats and your bloodflow with my Rain flames. How does it feel? Can't breath? It hurts as you so desperately try to gulp fresh air only to find that it's not within your grasp?", Kaito laughed with that same indifferent tone.

" W.. Wh.. What do you want?", the leader rasped out. Kaito approached him and knelt down Infront of him. He caressed the Demon's face with his gloved hand. The Demon shuddered at the soft and tender touch while he felt like his soul was being squashed the moment he stared into those cold blue eyes.

" What I want is simple. You are from the Demon community. Tell me have you heard about the five reapers of Lord Shiva? Where can I find Lord Shiva? Don't bother lying to me.", Kaito asked coldly. The Demon instantly froze, it was apparent that he feared the name Lord Shiva.

" So you have heard about him. Where can I find him?", Kaito asked again as he grabbed the Demon's neck and squeezed tight. The Demon struggled to speak, " Please. Lord Shiva is far above a little runt like you. He is one of the six Demon Lords under the ruling king of the Netherworld."

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