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With Cielo and Hayato. Cielo brought him to one of the many bedrooms in the Mansion and laid him on the bed. He used a wet cloth to wipe away the sooth from his face and used his flames to remove the sooth from his clothes. He activated his sun flames healing Hayato.

He placed Hayato's school bag next to bed and placed a note on the table before he left.

The note read:
Use the bathroom next to your room to shower. There are clothes your size in the wardrobe in your room. Use the kitchen to prepare your own meal, its downstairs.

Cielo himself showered and dressed in his usual white bottom and blue hoodie. He pinned his bangs out if his eyes the moment he finished drying his hair. He made himself some sandwiches for his meal.

He then made himself popcorn for his movie time and some can coke. He turned on the TV and started watching a horror movie.

A hour and a half later Hayato woke up and found himself in a unfamiliar room. He looked around at the beautifully decorated and furnished room he was in before he remembered what happened before he became unconscious.

He saw the note and read it wondering why Cielo helped him if what Cielo said was true; he didn't believe in sympathy, friendship, or kindness. Then he remembered what his sister had told him four years ago.


Eleven year old Hayato was in his stepfather's apartment in Italy alone one evening reading one of his favorite books when the doorbell rang.

He got to the door and was surprised and happy to see who it was. It was his big sister Gokudera Bianchi who had went away to work and earn money one year ago. She had called but never visited during that year.

" Aniki! You are home at last!", Hayato said opening the door and hugging his sister tight. After their mother died and their father abondon them their stepfather Shamal took them in.

Since he was a doctor who liked to go on dates he was never at home for a full day. The two siblings loved each other dearly. Hayato knew what his sister's profession was but this was the longest job she had been on.

Hayato and Bianchi went inside where she asked about how he was. To which he gave her a detailed explanation.

" So where is that perverted doctor, out on another date?", Bianchi asked in amusement.
" Of course. Shamal's newest girlfriend is kind of pretty and she is a waiter. He stops by the Diner she works before coming home everyday.", Hayato laughed.

" Aniki how was your year. You didn't tell me much over the phone. Speaking of which you didn't tell me anything about it at all.", Hayato slightly crossed his arms.

Bianchi smiled seeing his behavior, " I signed a contract saying that I couldn't even release a single detail to anyone, but don't worry it was a wonderful experience and I made enough money last us for some years, if we use it wisely. We can leave here and live anywhere we want and do whatever we want."

" That sounds wonderful Aniki. I am glad you were fine.", Hayato told her.

" Hayato, this isn't meant to remind you of your bad times, but have you made any friends?", Bianchi inquired. Hayato shook his head sadly.

Bianchi hugged him and whispered something in his ears, " If a day should come, my baby brother, when you meet a white hair boy with cold blue eyes that seem mysterious and cold to the world you should make friends with him.

" That might seem be a impossible task at first, but shall you succeed it will be worth it. He is different from others and makes the right choice in almost everything. Trust him and be patient. He might need a friend one day more than how you need one now."

" Really Aniki? When can I meet him?", little Hayato was intrigued right away.

" Sometime in the future. Hayato until then you should tell no one what I told you, most importantly not him. Always remember this Hayato.", Bianchi warned.

" I will Aniki."

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