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The moonlight shown down on the pristine lake as a quick shadow zipped by. Then the quite and tranquil lake burst with ripples as flames were blasted over its surface. There were nine blasts and nine different color of flames.

Out of the shadows came an albino with his eyes glowing nine different colors. His snow white skim and his shoulder length white hair was caught in the moonlight. His expression was neutral, meaning that he showed none at all.

“ Practicing flames these three years outside Estraneo made them more powerful. And my fighting and defense skills are on par with professionals. Who would believe a ten year old kid could achieve this much?”, the boy said to himself.

Naturally this boy was Tsuna. It has been three years since he was living with Luce in her Mansion. At nights when he snuck out this was what he did. Practice his flames and how to fight. Little Tsuna was now ten. He had been separated from his cruel family five years now.

Life in the Mansion was the same as ever. He avoids everyone and keep a distance even with his teacher Luke. Speaking of teacher, Tsuna was now at the level of a first year college student. As he grows the more levels of education he surpassed.

As for his life as Ciel he was very famous both nationally and internationally. He was quite rich and could leave this Mansion whenever he wanted, but something held him back for a little longer.

Tsuna returned to his room in the Mansion and went to sleep. The next morning he got up and showered before going down for breakfast.

“ Good morning.”, He said sitting down. Tsuna was always a polite child he just chose not be polite because of his personality.
“ Good morning to you too Cielo kun.”, everyone said. Then it was time for lessons.

“ You know what Cielo Kun, if you had flames you could attend the most prestigious and magical academy in the world. It's called Namimori Academy of flames all the way in Japan. Royalty and commoners go there alike, as long as you have flames.”, Luke told him.

“ I guess your Mistress's granddaughter will attend there once she is twelve. After all it's kind of like a highschool. Isn't it teacher?”, Tsuna replied.

“ Right you are Cielo Kun.”, Luke agreed. Today Luke dismissed lessons earlier than usual and said he had matters to attend to.

When dinner time rolled around that night Tsuna entered the dining room like any other time and was not expecting what he saw.

The room was decorated with blue and white balloons, ribbons, streamers, and banners. The table was decorated with a feast as well.

There was also a cake. It and the banners all said the same message; Happy Birthday Cielo Kun.

“ Happy Birthday Cielo Kun!”, Everyone said. Seeing his surprise Luce took the liberty to explain, “ After living with us for three years you never once mentioned anything about your birthday, so we decided to have a surprise party.”

Tsuna looked down at the floor. He wasn't happy in the slightest as memories he wanted left buried came rising to the surface.

Fantasy Within KHR [ Book One ]Where stories live. Discover now