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" Kakaki~How impolite of me. I am Narcissus of the Nephillim's bloodline. A demon apostle of the Demon Lord Shiva. My task tonight is to retrieve your Sky Pacifier. With it my Lord can simply control the rest of the Arcobalenos.", Narcissus divulged the information like it was nothing too important.

" I am afraid that's a task you will not accomplish, so it's better if you return to the Demon realm.", Gamma declared. He made a hand sign and the ring on his right hand glowed green as he commanded, " Colulu! Widget! Come to me."

Two twin foxes appeared at their master's side. Surrounded by electricity the two dashed towards her from opposite directions. They closed in on her and their special ability was activated. A storm of crackling electric rose up in between the two aimed at Narcissus.

She had put away her veal and was now using her cane. Black flower petals started falling from the sky. The moment they came in contact with anything it would turn that thing into ashes at that exact spot.

The others secretly felt chilled when they thought what would happen if any of those petals fell on them. Aria was doing her best to maintain a dome around everyone in her party.

Narcissus tapped her cane at her feet and instantly many huge spiders came out of the ground. They weren't small but the size of a grown adult, and they weren't alive it was an army of an undead army.

From this one could see that Narcissus the Nephillim specialty was in death magic. There was another word for this sorcery and it was called Necromancy.

The spider army stopped the two foxes belonging to Gamma in their tracks. However, this didn't hinder the foxes at all, because Gamma drew a rune in mid air with his fingers. His ring glowed and in the next moment the two foxes were in full suits of armour that maxed up their powers.

Colonnello was shooting the spiders and they fell like flies since he never misses his targets. Fon blasted spiders and flower petals alike with his punches and kicks. His draconic aura was unleashed in the middle of the army where it reeked havoc.

While Gamma's personal protectors, Fon and Colonnello battled the undead army, Gamma's fox companions kept Narcissus occupied, and Aria kept the domes up at all times.

It was a fatal mistake on their part since they had unknowingly fallen into the apostle of Lord Shiva's hands from the start of this battle despite being professionals.

Suddenly Aria let out a scream and the sky domes were immediately brought down. The others still battling looked over immediately and noticed that Aria had a bite mark on her neck.

Not just any bite mark, the wound had two puncture marks like something had sunk it's fangs into her neck. The veins near the bite were getting black, an obvious sign that she was bitten by a poisonous insect.

What was more frightening was that the thing that bit her was a strange flying beetle with many colors, a pair of thin cicada wings, and a pair of sharp pointed fangs with dripping venom. In it's mouth was a silver chain with a dangling orange crystal pacifier.

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